The show ended up running for seven seasons, with 126 episodes to its name, including a reunion special that was produced during the early days of the pandemic. That’s one heck of a run that few series will ever see in the streaming era, given how quickly services like Netflix are to cancel something after just a couple of seasons. The way things are now, that executive probably wouldn’t have changed his mind.
“Parks and Recreation” has an enduring legacy well beyond the show itself. “It helped launch Chris Pratt into stardom, leading to his roles in “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Jurassic World.” It also did wonders for Aubrey Plaza (April) and Nick Offerman (Ron). While Amy Poehler has done a lot in her career, Leslie Knope has likewise become her defining role. Jones touched on how the audience for the show has grown over the years, discussing an anniversary event the cast attended that made them feel like The Beatles:
“I think it was five years ago, we went to the Dolby, and we did a 10th-anniversary thing where we all came out the whole cast. The reception was so — I felt like the Beatles, it was so nuts. People were screaming so loud [and] we were all crying because we had never been in a room where anybody cared.”
Indeed, there are markers that the show’s audience has flourished in recent years. When the Mouse Rat album was released in 2021, it actually made it onto the Billboard charts. We’re not only talking about a large fanbase here, but a passionate one at that. Fortunately, the man at the top of NBC had a change of heart on that fateful day.
“Parks and Recreation” is currently streaming on Peacock.