Home Lifestyle How to check for breast cancer and the symptoms you may not...

How to check for breast cancer and the symptoms you may not know about


‘Most people think of a breast change as a lump, but there are other changes that are important to report’ (Picture: Getty)

The most common cancer in the UK is breast cancer, so it’s especially important for people to know how to spot it.

This comes after the sad passing of Kris Hallenga, founder of breast cancer awareness charity CoppaFeel!, at the age of just 38 due to the illness.

Being aware of how to check for breast cancer and what the symptoms are is paramount – yes, lumps can be a sign of the disease, but they’re not the only one.

With the chances of recovery higher the earlier it’s diagnosed, it’s vital for people – in particular, women over 50, who make up the highest age demographic diagnosed – to check their breasts on a regular basis.

What are breast cancer symptoms and how do you check for them?

Rachel Rawson, lead cancer nurse specialist at Perci Health, tells Metro.co.uk: ‘Being breast aware means knowing what is normal for you and letting your GP know if there is a change.

‘Most people think of a breast change as a lump, but there are other changes that are important to report.’

This involves regularly feeling and looking at your boobs so you know what feels irregular or not. Everyone’s boobs are different and will have a different definition of normal.

For example, for some women having tender or lumpy breasts around their period is normal.

Make sure you check your breasts regularly (Picture: Getty Images)

As for some lesser-known signs of breast cancer, Rachel highlights the following:

  • A change to the skin, such as puckering or dimpling where the skin looks pulled in.
  • A change in the colour of the breast – it may look red or inflamed.
  • A nipple change, for example, it has become pulled in (inverted) when it usually isn’t.
  • Rash or crusting around the nipple.
  • Unusual discharge from either nipple – (watery, milky, yellow or blood).
  • Changes in size or shape of the breast.

She adds: ‘On its own, pain isn’t usually a sign of breast cancer, but look out for pain in your breast or armpit that’s there all or almost all the time.’

If you do experience any of the above please contact your GP and try not to panic.

As Rachel says: ‘Most breast changes won’t be breast cancer.’

Dr Elisabeth Rosen, women’s health specialist at Livi, tells us it’s really important for us to know our breasts well – especially because they can change with our cycle.

‘Knowing how your breasts should look and feel normally can help to alert you to any unusual changes that may be a symptom of breast cancer,’ she explains.

‘Ideally, you should check your breasts once a month on the same day, a few days after your period.

‘Like the rest of your body, your breasts react to hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle. Many women, for example, find their breasts naturally become swollen, tender and even lumpy in the week or so leading up to their period, so that’s not an optimal time to check them.

‘If you’re postmenopausal, you should be checking your breasts for lumps on the same day every month.

‘Look out for anything that’s different in how your breasts, armpits and nipples look and feel. By checking regularly, you’ll become familiar with what’s normal for you.’

Most lumps won’t be cancerous but tell your doctor if you find one, so they can check for sure (Picture: Getty Images)

There’s no need to change your regular routine – you can feel your breasts in the bath, standing up while putting on moisturiser or in bed. Whatever’s best for you – though breastcancer.org recommends checking your breasts standing, sitting and lying down to allow for a full exam.

They recommend using a ‘firm, smooth touch with the first few fingers pads of your hands, keeping fingers flat and together’ in a ‘circular motion’ over your breasts and up under your armpits.

You should check the entire breast from your collarbone to your abdomen – and make sure you do it in a good clear mirror.

More tips for checking your breasts

Dr Christina Papadopoulos, GP at Livi, says: ‘Look out for anything that’s different in how your breasts, armpits and nipples look and feel.

‘By checking regularly, you’ll become familiar with what’s normal for you regarding skin colour, skin texture, feel and shape of your breasts, and the look, feel and shape of your nipples.’

How to feel for lumps

‘Use your right hand to feel your left breast, and your left hand to feel your right breast. Keeping your index and middle fingers flat and together, using circular motions, feel your breast – from side to side, from the collarbone to the top of your abdomen and from your armpit to your cleavage. Begin at the nipple, moving towards the outer edge of the breast.

‘Make sure you cover the whole breast. Do the same in your armpit area too. If you notice any lumps, bumps, swellings, discharge or abnormalities including changes in colour or texture to your breasts, armpits or nipples, it’s important to consult your doctor to get checked out.’

What is the survival rate for breast cancer?

According to Cancer Research survival for breast cancer is generally good, particularly if you are diagnosed early.

For a stage one cancer diagnosis nearly 100% of women will survive for five years or more.

For a stage two breast cancer diagnosis 90% of women will survive for five years or more.

For a stage three diagnosis 70% will survive beyond five years while stage four patients have a 25% chance of surviving for five years or more.

At stage four the cancer is no longer curable but there is a chance it can be controlled with treatment for a certain period of time.

What is secondary breast cancer?

Secondary breast cancer means that a cancer that started in the breast has spread to another part of the body. It most commonly spreads to the liver, lungs, brain, or bones.

At this point, your cancer cannot be cured but there will be treatment options to relieve symptoms and maintain your quality of life.

This is also called advanced breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer or stage four breast cancer.

However, secondary breast cancer is different to locally advanced breast cancer.

This is where cancer has spread into the surrounding areas of the cancer e.g. the lymph nodes, skin or muscle, but it hasn’t spread to distant parts of the body like your bones.

Can men get breast cancer?

Although rare, men can also get breast cancer, usually manifesting in a lump in their chest tissue.

According to the NHS, nipple discharge, changes in the shape or size of the chest, sores or ulcers on the chest, or a nipple inverting or getting a rash, could also be signs of breast cancer in men.

Around 370 men diagnosed each year in the UK, compared to around 55,500 women.

In fact, less than one in 100 breast cancer cases in the UK are men.

Do you have a story to share?

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MORE : CoppaFeel! breast cancer charity founder Kris Hallenga dies after 15-year illness

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