Home News Disney To Release Fewer Marvel Movies and Shows

Disney To Release Fewer Marvel Movies and Shows


Quantity over quality has definitely been a problem with recent Marvel movies. The studio exponentially increased the number of films they released over the years, going from two to three a year, and even a record four movies in 2021 — not counting multiple TV shows in-between, too.

The thing is, it is not just the quality that has decreased, but the urgency. A lot has been said about Phase 4 of the MCU and how aimless it is, and part of the problem with the number of films released is that, once, having two or three movies per year that each added up to the overarching story was fine. There was reason to watch the next film (in addition to the quality, of course). But now, without much in terms of story or continuity, it’s hard for audiences to justify watching even one Marvel movie, let alone four each year without knowing if they will pay off. Whenever a new title tries to change the status quo, like “Eternals” or “Secret Invasion,” it is immediately retconned or solved so it doesn’t affect the rest of the MCU

Will this new plan save the MCU, or will audiences barely register the change? Only time will tell, but as every studio presses the panic button and looks for ways to cut costs, fewer $200 million titles is not the worst idea.

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